About Us
Federated Music Teachers Association
The Quad Cities Federated Music Teachers Association (FMTA) is affiliated with the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC). Founded in 1898, now one of the world's largest music organizations, NFMC consists of 6,500 music clubs with over 200,000 members. As a non-profit organization, NFMC promotes study, stimulates interest in American and world music repertoire, and encourages each student to reach a high standard of musical achievement. FMTA has a membership of approximately forty independent and collegiate music teachers in the Quad City area.
Quad City Music Teachers Association
Quad City Music Teachers Association (QCMTA), established in 1989, is one of several local chapters of Iowa Music Teachers Association (IMTA) and Music Teachers National Association (MTNA). QCMTA is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of music through teaching, performance, composition, and scholarly research. QCMTA teachers embrace the high standards set forth by MTNA QCMTA has a membership of approximately 15 independent and collegiate music teachers in the bi-state Quad City area.